OHP provides infrastructure, leadership and development support for PCNs to achieve delivery of the PCN DES contract and maximise benefit for their patients and practices. We provide a suite of services to 10 PCNs (some are completley non-OHP practices)
This includes direct employemnt of ARRs staff, clincial leadership, holding manging external contracts, providing interprtation and gudiance acorss the whole of the DES contract portfolio
Primary Care Networks (PCN) came into existence on the 1st July 2019 as part of the NHS Long Term Plan. They were formed to improve patient care outside hospitals, integrating community and secondary care services, aiming to provide world class health services in the community. Our supported PCNs PCNs comprise of general practice(s) working together providing services to 467,000 patients
OHP provdes PCNs with leadership and strategic oversight striving to achieve excellence in patient care, also providing and facilitating a monthly Clinical Directors Executive forum along with regular peer development meetings for all Additional Reimbursable Roles (ARRs) staff groups.