Queen’s Birthday Honours – Local GP honoured in list
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Queen’s Birthday Honours – Local GP honoured in list
A local doctor has been recognised in the Queen’s Birthday Honours
Dr Vish Ratnasuriya, a GP at Lordswood House Medical Practice in Harborne was awarded an MBE ‘for services to General Practice in the West Midlands’
Dr Ratnasuriya has been instrumental in the merger of over 40 GP practices across the city called ‘Our Health Partnership’, so local GPs can safeguard their practices and strengthen them. At the same time the group are collaborating together with the rest of the NHS and social care to bring services increasingly closer to patients and their communities. He said:
‘It’s humbling to receive this award as recognition of what my colleagues and I have achieved in creating Our Health Partnership (OHP). OHP was formed to support local surgeries that we know patients prefer, to continue being run by the same local doctors and their staff. This is a brand new approach to General Practice and it brings together lots of practices to share expertise and solutions, so we can help each other in these challenging and fast-changing times. It also allows us to speak on behalf of our practices to make sure the changes that are planned across health and social care in Birmingham and Shropshire have our patients best interests at their heart.’
Dr Ratnasuriya qualified as a doctor from Birmingham University Medical School and he is a GP at Lordswood House Medical Practice in Harborne. He was one of the founding partners of Our Health Partnership and became its first Chair in November 2015.