Primary Care Networks

OHP will provide infrastructure, leadership and development support for PCNs to make achieving requirements easier in future years.

Primary Care Networks (PCN) came into existence on the 1st July 2019 as part of the NHS Long Term Plan. They were formed to improve patient care outside hospitals, integrating community and secondary care services, aiming to provide world class health services in the community. PCNs comprise of general practice(s) working together providing services to 467,000 patients.

Primary care networks serve as an essential building block of every Integrated Care System with general practice taking the lead role in every PCN. Their purpose is to provide proactive, coordinated care to support patients to make informed decisions about their own health. The focus is mainly on prevention and personalised care (NHS England » Primary care networks).

OHP supports 10 PCNs across Birmingham and Shropshire serving a population size of 450,000, providing PCNs with leadership and strategic oversight striving to achieve excellence in patient care. We provide and facilitate a monthly CDE forum chaired by Dr Raj Pankhania, CD Shard End and Kitts Green, supported by Clair Huckerby, Consultant Pharmacist and Workforce Lead OHP and Anushree Choudhary, PCN development and Contracts Services Manager, OHP.

OHP Supported Primary Care Networks


Primary Care Network Services


1. Care Homes

Enhanced Health in Care Homes is one of the priorities for NHS England and Primary Care Networks have put in several services to ensure there is a joined-up care for the residents.

Our Health Partnership led on this piece of work on behalf of the Practices that are part of the partnership and have put several services in place starting June 2020.

A summary of the services:



2. Social Prescribing

What is Social Prescribing?

At times we feel ‘unwell’, ‘out of sorts’ or ‘below par’ and a medical prescription is not the answer. What we are lacking is company, interests, or a change of scene to make us feel connected and motivated. Or perhaps we need counselling or more exercise to keep our bodies strong and our minds stimulated.

Our health and wellbeing starts with taking care of ourselves as best as we can.

Ask yourself:

  • What do you need to help you feel more included?
  • What could you do to feel happier in yourself?
  • Do you want to make new friends?
  • Are you aware of what is going on in your local area?
  • Where are the exercise classes or social groups you could join?

That’s where social prescribing comes in!

Our free Social Prescribing service can provide you with a Social Prescribing Link Worker (SPLW) who will help you identify one or more activities to improve your wellbeing and support you in starting it.

How does it work?

One of our SPLW will meet with you to chat about your lifestyle and help you to identify activities  or support that will benefit you.

The SPLW can help connect you to local services and activities to improve your physical and mental wellbeing:

    • Counselling
    • Arts and crafts
    • Advice and guidance
    • Addition support
    • Physical activity
    • Culture
    • Eating Well
    • Meeting People



Introducing our Social Prescribing Partners


3. Building our Multidisciplinary Team